Purpose: The purpose of this plan is to inform parents and students the make up, routine and expectations set forth at Sugar Creek Charter School.
Population: Sugar Creek Charter School serves an academically diverse population of approximately 1000 students in the Sugar Creek neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. SCCS is a Title I public charter school that houses grade Kindergarten through Eighth grades. The average student to teacher ratio is 18:1.
Sugar Creek Charter SChool offers a balanced academic program in our core curriculum with a strong emphasis on reading and mathematics. Approximately 90% of students enrolled in SCCS are performing on grade-level.
Standards for Behavior: Sugar Creek Charter is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to learning for all students that set high expectations for behavior and academic achievement.
The Code of Conduct, as outlined in the Parent and Student Handbook, has been designed to guide the efforts of teachers and staff in creating and maintaining a safe, orderly environment and to reinforce the primary mission of the school: rigorous academic learning.
The Code, which states clearly all school wide rules governing student behavior as well as the consequences for breaking the rules, will serve as a contract among parents, students and staff.
Description of Plan: Sugar Creek Charter is dedicated to providing a first-rate education which is the birthright of very individual. At Sugar Creek Charter all children will learn and be equipped with the skills necessary to reason, communicate, and live with dignity in our society.
Sugar Creek Charter School has a highly structured curriculum that sets high expectations and provides individualized monitoring to assist students in attaining ambitious goals for achievement. The Sugar Creek Charter School provides a strong academic foundation for students at the elementary level that will prepare them for demanding academic studies in middle school.
Consequences: The staff at SCCS has developed a discipline plan that will allow students to be rewarded for appropriate behavior and receive negative consequences for inappropriate behavior. The following policy has been established to help all students achieve self-discipline.
Elementary level - At the elementary level, all classroom teachers use the "Card Chart" as the behavior management system. If a student breaks a rule, the following hierarchy of consequences will be followed.
Green: Student is practicing appropriate behavior and will be rewarded.
Yellow: Student is demonstrating inappropriate behavior and receives a warning.
Blue: Student is continuing to demonstrate inappropriate behavior and will lose 10 minutes of prime time.
Red: Student is continuing to demonstrate inappropriate behavior. He/She will lose 15 more minutes of the prime time and write a note home. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned the next day.
No cards: Student will receive an office referral which may result in the assignment of In School Suspension.
Middle school level - If a student breaks a rule, the following hierarchy of consequences will be followed.
Step 1: Reminder of the rule that is being broken
Step 2: One minute skill builder
Step 3: An infraction slip is issued
Step 2: One minute skill builder
Step 3: An infraction slip is issued
5 infractions: In School Suspension - call home
10 infractions: In School Suspension - call home
15 infractions: Out of School Suspension- meeting with student, parent, Mrs. Blount, and
teachers working with the student to discuss and complete a re-entry agreement.
20 infractions: Out of School Suspension
25 infractions: Meeting with Mrs. Blount to examine behavior contract
Note: Extremely disruptive behavior or crisis situations such as vandalism, defiance, or threat of a physical nature, as well as safe schools issues will result in overriding the above steps (Elementary and Middle School levels).
Chronic, disruptive behavior will not be tolerated because it keeps other students from being able to
learn. Students who show a pattern of chronic, disruptive behavior demonstrated through two In
School Suspensions and two Out of School Suspensions and failure to successfully complete a school
re-entry plan can be recommended to the school Board of Directors for exclusion.
In-School Contact for Behavioral Issues: Mr. Bridges - Dean of Students
Ms. Willis - In-School Suspension Coordinator
Elements for Safety: Student safety is SCCS's foremost responsibility. There is a full-time nurse on staff who is trained to administer medication and treat minor injuries.
Fire drills/evacuations - Students will practice how to evacuate the building in case of a fire or emergency at least once a month.
Lockdown procedures - The school will issue a lockdown once every quarter.
Teachers will go over fire drill and lockdown procedures with students at the beginning of the year before first practice occurs.
Time Management: Sugar Creek Charter's administrative team encourage teachers to maximize on instructional time. It is essential that teachers have routines and procedures in place that allow them to be able to maximize instructional time. Routines and procedures are to be introduced and practice at the beginning of the year and thereafter if needed. The office staff makes every effort to minimize interruptions by visitors and outside phone calls.Data collection/Feedback: Teachers use an online grade book to record student grades, conduct and create comments for Progress Reports and Report Cards and record student attendance. Parents can access the database with the username and password provided to check their grades and assignments.
Teachers are encouraged to communicate with parents through conferences, phone calls and email about student progress and behavior.
Floor Plan of Learning Environment: Teachers create a learning environment that is conducive to learning. Student desks are arranged in groups to promote collaboration and discussion.
Example of classroom set up:
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