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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Comparing Numbers

In math, we have begun learning to compare numbers. Comparing numbers can be a difficult concept for second graders to understand. It is can also be very confusing to learn to use the vocabulary and symbols that go along with this concept..

You child has been learning how to compare numbers using greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=).

Here are some things you can do at home to reinforce these skills.

StepYou and your child
Lay out two plates. 
Put five pennies on one plate and three on the other plate.
Which plate has more pennies, macaroni,  marbles, pencil crayons, pebbles, or whatever ?  Which plate has less?
By using items found around the house you are continuing to reinforce the concept that Math is all around us.
The above activity was created by Diane Massie, a HelpingWithMath.com contributor.

Greater Amounts of Stuff: Try this no-prep activity to practice comparing numbers at home or at school: "How many windows in this room? How many in that room? Which number is greater?" Compare numbers of chairs, books on desks, posters in two rooms, plates in the dishwasher vs. plates in the cabinet, toys on the floor vs. toys on the shelves, peas on my plate vs. peas on your plate, etc.

Greater Words: Try greater than/less than with words. Pick two words, such as two kids' names. Write both names. Count the letters in each name and put the correct symbol (<, > or =) in the middle. The skills kids learn in this multi-level activity will make comparing numbers a breeze. Greater Words Game(You can do "word" number sense activities with other skills, too. What words are odd? Which are even? How many letters are in your friends' names? What about when your names are added together?)
The above activities were found online at: http://www.smartfirstgraders.com/comparing-numbers.html

Try these online games:
Toon University: Comparing Number Values

EZSchools: Comparing Numbers

ABCYa!: Comparing Number Values

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